Bathinda to Subhanpur Prtc Bus Timetable

The Bathinda to Subhanpur PRTC Bus Timetable is essential when planning a journey from Bathinda to Subhanpur, ensuring convenience with the latest PRTC and roadway bus schedules. Discover convenient travel options, departure times, and reliable schedules to make your trip hassle-free. Stay informed with accurate information on PRTC bus timings and roadways bus timetable, and ensure a smooth and punctual journey from Bathinda to Subhanpur.

Bathinda to Subhanpur Prtc Bus Timetable

Bathinda to Subhanpur Prtc Bus Timetable

Departure TimeRouteViaBus
4:30 AMBathinda to SubhanpurDharamkot, ShahkotPRTC
4:45 AMBathinda to SubhanpurDharamkot, ShahkotPRTC
5:05 AMBathinda to SubhanpurDharamkot, ShahkotPRTC

Bathinda to Subhanpur Bus Timetable Advatange


The distance between Bathinda and Subhanpur is about 175 to 180 kilometers, making it a relatively short and convenient bus journey.

Time Duration:

The travel duration from Bathinda to Subhanpur can vary depending on traffic and the type of bus. On average, the journey takes around 2.5 hours to 3.0 hours

Bus Ticket Price:

The Bathinda to Subhanpur bus ticket price is 200 to 250 IND rupees.

PRTC Bus Ticket Booking Options

Booking a ticket for your journey is a breeze. You can choose from various options, including online booking through official websites, or purchasing tickets at counters. Keep an eye out for special discounts or offers that may be available.

Bathinda to Subhanpur Bus Travel FAQ

Q Are there overnight bus options from Bathinda to Subhanpur?
A No, operators do not offer Night buses for overnight travel.

Q Can I book my bus tickets online?
A. you can book your tickets online through the operator’s website or third-party booking platforms.


In conclusion, the Bathinda to Subhanpur Bus Timetable serves as a pivotal tool for travelers planning their journeys between these destinations. With updated PRTC and roadway bus schedules, this timetable ensures a seamless and convenient travel experience. Embracing this resource allows passengers to organize their trips efficiently, promising timely departures and arrivals, ultimately enhancing the overall travel convenience and satisfaction for commuters between Bathinda and Subhanpur.

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