Bathinda to Sardulgarh Bus Timetable

The Bathinda to Sardulgarh Bus Timetable is essential when planning a journey from Bathinda to Sardulgarh, ensuring convenience with the latest PRTC and roadway bus schedules. Discover convenient travel options, departure times, and reliable schedules to make your trip hassle-free. Stay informed with accurate information on PRTC bus timings and roadways bus timetable, and ensure a smooth and punctual journey from Bathinda to Sardulgarh.

Bathinda to Sardulgarh

Bathinda to Sardulgarh PRTC Bus Timetable

Departure TimeRouteViaBus
06.30 AmBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
07.02 AmBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
07.29 AmBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
08.04 AmBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
09.04 AmBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
09.43 AmBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
10.21 AmBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
10.27 AmBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
11.33 AmBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
13.54 PmBathinda to Sardulgarh Talwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
14.00 PmBathinda to Sardulgarh Talwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
14.36 PmBathinda to Sardulgarh Talwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC
16.44 PmBathinda to Sardulgarh Talwandi Sabo, LehriPRTC

Bathinda to Sardulgarh Private Bus Timetable

Departure TimeRouteViaBus
04:05 PMBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriPuneet Bus Service
11:15 PMBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriShubhdeep Motors Regd
11:23 PMBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriNew Guru kanshi Transport Co
04:15 PMBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriNew Guru kanshi Transport Co
07:55 PMBathinda to SardulgarhTalwandi Sabo, LehriNew Guru kanshi Transport Co


Bathinda -> Kot Shamir- > Jiwan Singh Wala ->Bhagi bandar ->Talwandi Sabo -> Lehri-> Sardulgarh


Keep in mind that schedules can be changed, so make sure to ask the operator for the latest information before you start your journey.

Bathinda to Sardulgarh Bus Timetable Importance

The Punjab Roadways Transport Corporation, known for its reliable and efficient services, operates a well-established network connecting various cities and towns. When it comes to the route from Bathinda to Sardulgarh, travelers can depend on the PRTC bus services for a hassle-free journey.

Frequency of Services:

PRTC offers regular bus services from Bathinda to Sardulgarh, ensuring that commuters have flexibility in choosing their travel time. The frequency of buses on this route is designed to accommodate the diverse schedules of passengers.

Bathinda to Sardulgarh Distance:

Bathinda to Sardulgarh Distance by Bus is Approximately 170 kilometers to 175 depends On road Conditions and Traffic.

Bathinda to Sardulgarh Bus Ticket Price

Bathinda to Sardulgarh Bus ticket price is Approximately 290 IND Rupees to 320 IND depends On Types of Buses.

Bathinda to Sardulgarh Travel Time

The Bathinda to Sardulgarh Travel time By Bus is 3.0 hours to 3.5 hours. it depending on the route.

Bathinda to Sardulgarh Bus Timetable FAQ

Q Are there overnight bus options for this route?

A Some, operators offer sleeper buses for overnight travel.

Q Can I book my bus tickets online?

A Absolutely, you can book your tickets online through the operator’s website or third-party booking platforms.

Q What is Private Bus Ticket Price Bathinda to Sardulgarh?

A The  Bathinda to Sardulgarh Private bus Ticket Price approximately 80 to 100 Rupees.


The Bathinda to Sardulgarh bus timetable provided by PRTC is a testament to the organization’s commitment to efficient and customer-centric services. Whether you’re a regular commuter or a first-time traveler, PRTC’s well-planned bus timings offer a reliable mode of transportation, connecting the vibrant cities of Bathinda to Sardulgarh. Plan your journey with PRTC and experience the convenience and comfort that come with their roadways bus services.

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