Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana to Bus Timetable

If you are planning a journey from Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana, knowing the Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana bus timetable is important. The bus journey from Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana offers a vital transportation link between two major cities in North India. Numerous bus operators, including government-run and private services, provide transportation options from standard to luxury buses.

Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana Bustimetable

Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana Bus Timetable

Departure TimeRouteViaBus
12:40 AmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
01:35 AmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
03:20 AmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
04:00 AmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
04:30 AmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
05:37 AmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
06:20 AmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
08:30 AmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
09:05 AmDelhi ISBT to Ludhiana Panipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
11:50 AmDelhi ISBT to Ludhiana Panipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
16:40 PmDelhi ISBT to Ludhiana Panipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
17:20 PmDelhi ISBT to Ludhiana Panipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
23:15 PmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, Rajpura PRTC
16:40 PmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, RajpuraPRTC
06:30 PmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, RajpuraPRTC
07:24 PmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, RajpuraPRTC
08:41 PmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, RajpuraPRTC
09:36 PmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, RajpuraPRTC
11:57 PmDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPanipat, Ambala, RajpuraPRTC

Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana AC Bus Timetable

Departure TimeRouteViaBus
00.40 hrs Delhi ISBT to LudhianaPRTC Volvo
01.35 hrs Delhi ISBT to LudhianaPRTC Ordinary 
03.20 hrsDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPRTC Ordinary
04.00 hrsDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPRTC Ordinary
04.30 hrsDelhi ISBT to LudhianaPRTC Ordinary


ISBT Delhi -> Panipat -> Kurukshetra -> Shanbad ->Ambala-> Rajpura -> Fatehgarh Sahib ->Doraha -> Khanna -> Ludhiana


Keep in mind that schedules can be changed, so make sure to ask the operator for the latest information before you start your journey.

Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana Bus Journey Overview

Duration of the Journey

The journey from Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana by bus typically takes around 5..5 hours to 6 hours, depending on the Traffic and road conditions.

Ticket Price:

The Ticket Price from Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana is 290 to 320 Rupees.


The distance between Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana approximately 310 Km to 315 Km.

Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana FAQs

Q1. Where can I get Bus to Delhi ISBT in Ludhiana?

A1.Delhi Bus Stand.
Shaheed Captain Vikram Batra Chowk.

Q5. How much is a taxi from Delhi to Ludhiana?

A5. The approximate taxi price from Delhi to Ludhiana is around 3,500 to 4,000 rupees, and this typically does not include tolls or any additional charges that might apply during the journey. It’s always a good idea to confirm the fare with the taxi service provider before starting the trip.

Q6.Is online booking available for AC buses or not?

A6.Yes, online booking is available for AC buses. for Bus ticket booking from Delhi to Ludhiana Click here.


The Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana bus route, spanning approximately 315 kilometers, is a vital transportation link connecting two major cities in North India. The convenience and accessibility of numerous bus operators, including government-run and private services, offer travelers a range of options, from standard to luxury buses. This ensures a comfortable and enjoyable journey for all. The Delhi ISBT to Ludhiana bus route not only facilitates a smooth and efficient journey but also opens the door to a world of cultural exploration and adventure in the vibrant capital city of India.

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